Pratan Fishing Product Company, a fishery industry product exporter located in Bangkok in the 15 Acers manufacturer area, with more than 40 years experience in making a superb quality of PP rope and all other related fishery items with reasonable price.
Our specialty is making all kinds of HDPP and HDPE rope. We have been going through all experience years coming with a completely good quality fishing products. Creating such a good reputation among the end users continuously since year 1967. We never stop developing good fishing products in order to respond our beloved clients’ demand. Now, we are ready to extend our market of fishing basket, fishing blue net, all kinds of ocean floats and other related fishery equipment.
You can ensure that our product standardization definitely reach your satisfaction, with the precise delivery date, good and neatly package as same as we have been serving to our client size year 1967.
We are the fishery products manufacturer leader in Thailand with good quality and reasonable price.
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